10 Ayurvedic Treatment Tips for IBS and Bloating

10 Ayurvedic Treatment Tips for IBS and Bloating

About two-thirds of Americans suffer from GI problems - are you in this group?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and bloating are some of the top gastrointestinal issues that affect millions of people worldwide. While the exact causes remain unclear, we do know that these disorders are burdens that affect quality of life and overall health.

Quick IBS Facts [1]:

  • It is estimated that around 5-10% of the population has IBS.
  • 68.6% of people with IBS have a range of moderate to severe symptoms.
  • 4 out of 5 people report pain as a primary symptom of their condition.
  • There are between 2.4 and 3.5 million physician visits for IBS every year in the U.S.

Quick Bloating Facts [2]:

  • Nearly 40% of the general population report having issues with bloating and distension.
  • The most common causes of bloating include small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and food intolerances.
  • Those suffering from bloating often get diagnosed with other gastrointestinal disorders such as functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional constipation.

What Causes IBS and Bloating?

IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, and changes in bowel habits such as diarrhea or constipation. Bloating often accompanies IBS and can be made worse by certain foods, stress, and digestive issues.

Some factors may cause gastrointestinal issues, such as eating gas-producing foods or having an inadequate digestive system or poor gut motility (when the muscles of the digestive tract do not work the way they should). Disruptions in the balance of gut bacteria, known as dysbiosis, may also play a role in both IBS and bloating.

These two conditions are often connected, with stress making symptoms worse and contributing to flare-ups.

In Ayurveda, both IBS and bloating are understood through the lens of excessive Vata dosha in the colon. Vata dosha governs movement and is responsible for elimination in the body. When Vata becomes imbalanced, it can lead to irregular bowel movements, gas accumulation, and bloating.

Symptoms of IBS:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Excessive thirst
  • Irregular bowel movement
  • Mucus in the stool
  • Abdomen bloating
  • Nausea

What Does Ayurveda Say About the Digestive System?

According to Ayurveda, both IBS and bloating stem from an imbalance in the digestive system.

These gastric health problems are viewed through the lens of Agni (digestive fire). Agni represents the body's digestive capacity and is important for the proper breakdown, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients from food. When Agni is strong and balanced, digestion occurs efficiently, leading to optimal health. However, when Agni becomes impaired or imbalanced, it can result in various digestive disorders, including IBS and bloating.

Imbalances in the digestive system tend to point to an imbalance in the Vata dosha. Vata governs movement and is responsible for pushing food through the digestive tract. When Vata becomes aggravated or excessive, it disrupts the normal functions of digestion, leading to symptoms such as irregular bowel movements, gas accumulation, and bloating.

10 Ayurvedic Treatment Tips for IBS and Bloating

Ayurvedic methods of managing IBS and bloating involve restoring balance to Agni and pacifying aggravated Vata dosha. This approach focuses on diet, lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, and stress management techniques.

Here are 10 Ayurvedic tips for decreasing inflammation and restoring balance to your digestive system:

  1. Ayurvedic Herbs: Herbs such as Ginger, Fennel, Cumin, and Peppermint are easily brewed into teas and help balance Vata dosha for healthy digestion and decreased inflammation. Our Immunity Potion is loaded with next level supplements that support digestion, such as Black pepper, Flaxseed, and Amla.
  2. Low FODMAP Diet: FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. Foods high in FODMAP include dairy-based milk, yogurt, ice cream, wheat, legumes, some vegetables, and some fruits. Instead, frame your meals around low FODMAP foods such as eggs, meat, some cheeses, almond milk, rice, oats, some vegetables and some fruits.
  3. Fiber-Rich Foods: Include foods rich in fiber in your diet, such as cereals, beans, fruits, and vegetables.
  4. Reduced Caffeine: Caffeine can be a trigger for digestive diseases, so you may want to skip the coffee for now. Try some healthy caffeine alternatives instead!
  5. Hydration: Always, always, always drink plenty of water when dealing with IBS (or even if you’re not!). Water helps flush out your system and can prevent constipation.
  6. Warming Foods: Minimize foods that are overly processed, cold, dry, or difficult to digest. Instead, incorporate cooked grains, steamed vegetables, soups, herbal teas, and warming spices like ginger, cumin, and turmeric to aid digestion and alleviate bloating.
  7. Stress Management: A study shows that 40-60% of people with IBS also suffer from stress [4]. Try reducing top stress points in your life and instead replacing them with activities such as yoga, meditation, or journaling to help cultivate your inner peace. Giving your vagus nerve a tune-up can also restore your body to a state of calm and balance.
  8. Triphala: Triphala, a traditional Ayurvedic formulation made from three fruits (amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki), is renowned for its digestive benefits. It helps regulate bowel movements, cleanse the colon, and reduce bloating by balancing Vata dosha.
  9. Abhyanga (Self-Massage): Massaging the abdomen with warm sesame or castor oil can help calm Vata and promote proper digestion. Gentle circular motions clockwise around the navel area can alleviate bloating and discomfort.
  10. Soothing Teas: Drinking chamomile or berry teas (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, etc.) can have a soothing effect on the gut and help decrease symptoms.

IBS, bloating, and other gut health issues affect more people than we realize. Diet and lifestyle changes are major factors in supporting a healthy digestive system that will improve quality of life.


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