Home for the Holidays: How to Keep the Peace

Home for the Holidays: How to Keep the Peace

With the holidays approaching, many of us are both excited and apprehensive about spending time with family. While holidays bring joy and togetherness, they can also stir up complex emotions and challenging dynamics within our families.

Emotions and Relationships in Ayurveda

Ayurveda recognizes that our physical and emotional well-being are intimately connected. It teaches us that the mind and body are intertwined, and the state of one profoundly affects the other. Emotions are seen as natural responses to our experiences, but when they become imbalanced, they can lead to physical and mental discomfort.

A sattvic mind is at peace and able to cope with stress. Bringing the mind into a sattvic state, balanced with other states of mind, is each person’s natural goal. Not only does a caring, low-stress mindset bring contentment and stability, but it also contributes to physical immunity and longevity [1].

In Ayurveda, emotions are closely tied to the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Each dosha has distinct tendencies in relationships based on Ayurvedic principles. These tendencies can provide insights into how individuals with different dominant doshas approach and interact in relationships:

1. Vata Dosha:

  • Adventurous and Excitable: Vata individuals tend to be spontaneous and enjoy trying new things, which can bring excitement to relationships.
  • Sensitive and Changeable: They are highly attuned to changes in the relationship dynamics and can be sensitive to even minor shifts.
  • Inconsistent Communication: Vata types may have varying communication patterns, ranging from enthusiastic and talkative to withdrawn and quiet, depending on their current state of mind.
  • Need for Space: They often value personal space and independence in relationships, needing time to recharge.

2. Pitta Dosha:

  • Passionate and Assertive: Pitta individuals bring intensity and assertiveness to their relationships, which can lead to dynamic interactions.
  • Direct and Honest: They value clear and direct communication and may be quick to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Competitive Nature: Pitta types can sometimes be competitive, which may manifest as conflicts in relationships if not managed appropriately.
  • Desire for Control: They may have a desire for control and leadership in relationships, which can lead to power struggles if not balanced.

3. Kapha Dosha:

  • Stable and Nurturing: Kapha individuals bring stability and a sense of nurturing to relationships, providing a sense of security to their partners.
  • Patient and Supportive: They are patient listeners and offer strong emotional support to those they care about.
  • Avoidance of Conflict: Kapha types may avoid conflicts and prefer to keep the peace, sometimes at the expense of expressing their own needs.
  • Tendency to Hold Grudges: They may hold onto past hurts and grudges, which can affect the longevity of relationships if not addressed.

To find out more about how your dosha impacts your relationships, click below:

Your Dosha’s Relationship Map

Navigating Family Dynamics

Understanding your dosha (and other people’s doshas!) can provide insights into how you react to family dynamics during the holidays. So with this in mind, what are some practical strategies for navigating difficult relationships?

  1. Self-Awareness: Begin by cultivating self-awareness. Recognize your dosha and understand how it influences your emotions and reactions. This self-awareness can help you respond rather than react in difficult situations.
  2. Mindful Communication: Ayurveda encourages us to speak with compassion and kindness. When faced with difficult conversations, take a moment to breathe deeply and choose your words thoughtfully. This can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  3. Embrace Rituals: Ayurveda places great importance on rituals. Engage your family in simple, meaningful holiday traditions that can create a sense of togetherness and stability, grounding everyone in the moment.
  4. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care to maintain emotional balance. This might include daily routines, nurturing activities like warm oil massages (Abhyanga), dry brushing, or time spent in nature. When you're emotionally centered, you're better equipped to handle challenging interactions [2].
  5. Balance Your Dosha: Pay attention to your dosha's needs. For example, Vata individuals can benefit from warmth and routine, while Pitta types might need to cool down with soothing activities, and Kapha individuals may require stimulation and movement.

This holiday season, as we gather with our families, let Ayurveda be our guiding light. By understanding our doshas and implementing Ayurvedic principles, we can foster healthier relationships with our loved ones and create a more harmonious and joyful holiday experience.


Now that you know more about the connection between our emotions and health, start fostering a better relationship with your body using supplements that will keep you feeling your best. Know somebody who would love to try our immune boosters? What better time to gift them their very own Immunity Potion or Detox Box!